Gain informed financial insights and make the most of your operation’s data. Generate any of Rent Manager’s 450+ built-in reports to truly understand the inner workings of your business. You can also craft your own feature-dense statements with the help of the Report Writer and Financial Report Writer modules. The possibilities for reporting and analysis are endless with Rent Manager.
Over 450 Pre-Defined Reports
Rent Manager’s feature-rich reports provide essential insights into the inner workings of your business in one comprehensive, easy-to-navigate module. Gain full access to fundamental financial and property-manager-specific reports in Rent Manager’s robust report library. Here are just a few:
Audit Trail
View a full scope of each user’s actions inside Rent Manager. Administrators can monitor everything from user login times to crucial decisions that affect database setup and financial records. This powerful report can help isolate and correct mistakes made during data entry.
Rent Manager’s reporting module provides several different budget reports to analyze cash flow and company spending habits, and to compare your actual allocations against your projected budget. Reference your budget reports while you make informed financial decisions.
Financial Statements
These reports assist you in keeping an informed and watchful eye over your company’s finances. At its core, Rent Manager is an accounting software armed with an array of fundamental financial reports including the Balance Sheet, General Ledger, and Profit & Loss statements.
Prospect Box Score
Get detailed information about prospects who have expressed interest in your rental units. The Prospect Box Score displays leads, ideal communication methods, and prospect follow ups—providing clear insight into which marketing and leasing efforts work best for your business.
Summary Rent Roll
Get an immediate overview of your tenants’ transaction activity during a specified time period with the Summary Rent Roll. This report shows held security deposits and loss to lease totals, as well as a breakdown of rent and non-rent charges, payments, credits, and prior balances.
Each year, Minnesotan property owners provide their tenants with the Minnesota CRP, a document proving the completion of paid rent. Through a series of User Defined Fields, Rent Manager will pull all pertinent information from tenant accounts to fulfill the requirements of the Minnesota CRP.
Tax Forms
Begin and end tax season with peace of mind with Rent Manager’s convenient tax tools. Easily generate vendor and owner 1099 reports—and print them onto prepared IRS 1099 forms—directly from the software. These forms can then be mailed or e-filed to satisfy IRS requirements.
Vacancy Report
Generate the Vacancy Report to quickly identify which of your units are available and vacant. This informative report shows the length of vacancy as well as the rent amount of each unit, providing you with the information you need to turn units faster.
Report Writer
Your business is unique. With the help of Report Writer, you can produce flexible, feature-rich reports that are expertly tailored to your operation. These reports include built-in, predefined functions and variables specific to Rent Manager. This module allows you to drag and drop functions directly into your reports to create professional statements that are personalized for your exact needs.
Create property, tenant, prospect, owner, vendor, and unit reports with Report Writer to reflect your business demands and control the display through a variety of different options.
Financial Report Writer
Craft reports that are full of financial data crucial to your business. Make minor adjustments to existing financial reports or create entirely new reports from scratch that are full of essential accounting data—in your preferred format—with Financial Report Writer.
Report Automation
This Rent Manager Online (RMO) feature automatically generates and delivers designated report batches, based on a schedule you set. Let RMO streamline your reporting processes with Report Automation.
Report Batches
The Rent Manager Report Batches feature makes running a series of reports possible with a single click. This time-saving workflow delivers the data you need effortlessly.
Reports Delivered on a Set Schedule
Send Report Batches based on a pre-determined schedule. You have complete control over when reports are sent, and who receives them.
Automated Data Entry
Report Batches conquer the tedious task of selecting specific report options for several different reports. With the click of a button, this feature enables you to generate several business-vital reports simultaneously.
History Tracking
Administrators can easily monitor the status of Report Batches. If an issue occurs that prevents the delivery of a Report Batch, you will be notified immediately.
Custom Reports
Rent Manager includes more than 450 built-in reports and you can craft your own feature-dense reports with the help of Report Writer. However, if you’re looking for something even more advanced, our Professional Services team can help! These talented Rent Manager experts can expand the capabilities of existing reports or create a report entirely from scratch, based on your specific needs.
Ideal for portfolios of every size, Rent Manager is your key to an effective and efficient property management business.
Daniel Zimmerman
Cityline Properties

All of our financial reporting is in one place. Understanding the state of your whole portfolio in a short matter of time is easy with Rent Manager.