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ButterflyMX is your complete property access solution, providing a secure, convenient, and affordable way to manage and grant access on the go. Empower your tenants and building staff to open doors, gates, and elevators with a smartphone and ensure they never miss a visitor or delivery. Enjoy easy installation and cut costs by eliminating building wiring and in-unit hardware, and save time by integrating with popular access control and property management systems. Join the 10,000+ multifamily, commercial, gated community, and student housing properties that have made access simple with ButterflyMX.

ButterflyMX Makes Property-Wide Access Control Simple

Phone Broadcast Icon
Mobile App, Fobs & PINs

Provide your residents and staff with multiple access options, including a mobile app, fobs, and PIN codes.

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No Wiring Or In-Unit Hardware

Eliminate expensive wiring and hardware. Our access control products only require three connections: internet, power, and door strike—and they connect to any existing hardware.

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Visitor And Delivery Access

Create time-limited virtual keys and delivery PINs for your house cleaners, dog walkers, and service providers.

CPI icon
Increase Your NOI

Offer your residents a tech-forward amenity that increases your property’s value while reducing your operating expenses.

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Doors, Gates, And Elevators

Easily control and manage access to every door, gate, and elevator into and throughout your entire property.

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Powerful Integrations

Integrates with your Rent Manager software so property access is automatically granted when your residents move in and revoked when they move out.

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For more information about ButterflyMX, click the link below.